Training in COVID Red Countries – Arusha, TZ 7/3/21

We are writing in this lull between our first filmmaking workshop and the start of the mobile journalism workshop on the 5th. Final projects included the link attached for a short film on social media addiction and consequences. Two other projects are being re-editing as I write. We had some good news regarding Ethiopia and the last workshop (40 participants) in that they will accept our existing electronic visas and we will not have to register our Covid test with the African Union to make this flight on July 10th. It is cold here, down to 47 at night and highs in the mid 70’s at a elevation of nearly 4,000 feet. Coming from Egypt, Dubai and Pakistan with temps up to 108 has been a hard transition. Addis Ababa’s elevation is over 7000 feet with lower day and night temperature. 

I am attaching a link to “The Overdose” as well as pictures.